Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Visit with the Ambassador

Today was pretty busy. To start off the morning, we had breakfast with Rosita Boland, a features reporter with the Irish TImes. It was interesting to hear about the differences between American and Irish journalism, and about her strategies and methods for interviews.

After breakfast we met with Ambassador Rooney and his press staff. It was really great to have such a unique opportunity! He came down and talked to us for a few moments, and let us have our picture taken with him (although we could only bring in one camera, so unfortunately I don't have a copy yet). We also talked to his staff about what they do and about the duties and responsibilities of the ambassador. I was really impressed with his press assistant, though - he was only 23! At the end of our visit Rooney also gave us pins with the American and Irish flag, which was pretty cool too.

In the afternoon, we went back to Dublin City University to listen to Dr. Helena Sheehan about Irish television drama. She made some really interesting points about how television can reflect a country's culture and ideas.

Tomorrow's a lighter day, with another lecture at DCU and then a photography visit. Hopefully the weather will be nice for our free time - today it hailed before our DCU visit!

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