Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Quiet Day in Dublin

Today was one of our few low-key days on this trip. Our first scheduled activity wasn't until 2 p.m., so I did some work on my project this morning and walked around a bit.

In the afternoon, we went back to Dublin City University for another lecture with Dr. Roddy Flynn, this time on the impact of the internet in Irish media. Turns out, that impact isn't much. Many households still have dialup service due to the infrastructure in the country, therefore discouraging people to use the internet and discouraging companies from putting the extra effort into websites. Most Irish media websites don't even have video or audio, and very few links.

After DCU, we went to Photocall, a photography agency that shoots photos for newspapers and public relations agencies. It was pretty interesting. The group had started out with covering the conflict in the north, and continued from there. I really enjoyed looking at the different photos they had from different periods in Ireland's recent history.

Tomorrow's our long day in Belfast, but I can't wait! I've always wanted to go there, so I've really been looking forward to this part of the trip, even though it means I have to get up at 5:30 a.m.!

1 comment:

  1. I don't do 5:30AM so please tell us what you saw in Belfast.
